
The Computational Laboratory offers civil engineering students at all levels access to a comprehensive suite of industry-standard software on advanced computer systems. With ample working and seating areas, the lab fosters an ideal environment for hands-on learning and research. From undergraduate to doctoral studies, students can explore prominent software tools essential for structural analysis, transportation modeling, environmental simulation, and more. This inclusive access equips students with the skills needed for both academic excellence and real-world engineering practice.

Purpose:The Computational Laboratory aims to enrich civil engineering students\' technical skills and knowledge, fostering expertise and proficiency through hands-on experience with cutting-edge software tools. Its goal is to empower students for success in both academic endeavors and professional practice.

Location:Mini Campus Ground Floor

Incharge Photo
  • Name :

    Dr. Rahul Kumar Meena

  • Email :


  • Designation :

    Assistant Professor

  • Qualification :


  • Specialization :

    Structural Engineering

Click Here to view profile


Lab Outcome

Participation in the Computational Laboratory yields a multifaceted enhancement in engineering proficiency and problem-solving acumen. Through hands-on engagement with cutting-edge software tools, students cultivate a robust skill set, proficiently navigating various computational methodologies vital for engineering analysis. This immersive experience not only fosters a deeper understanding of computational techniques but also bolsters readiness for real-world applications in diverse engineering domains. By tackling complex problems and simulating real-world scenarios, students hone their problem-solving abilities, gaining valuable insights into the intricacies of engineering systems. Ultimately, the Computational Laboratory empowers students to emerge with heightened proficiency in relevant software tools, fortified problem-solving capabilities, and a comprehensive understanding of computational methods essential for addressing contemporary engineering challenges effectively.

Lab Updates

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