
A water resources laboratory is a facility equipped to conduct various tests and analyses related to water quality, quantity, and management. It typically includes equipment for measuring parameters like pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and contaminants. These labs play a crucial role in monitoring and assessing water sources, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, and developing strategies for sustainable water management. They may also conduct research to improve water treatment methods and address emerging water-related challenges.

Purpose:Postgraduate and Ph.D. research scholars utilize laboratory facilities for their curriculum laboratory work. It is one of the key laboratories for PG/Ph.D. students. The laboratory has good potential to carry out research and generate revenue using testing work.The purpose of a water resources engineering laboratory is to provide a hands-on environment for conducting experiments and research related to the management, conservation, and utilization of water resources. It helps in understanding fundamental principles of hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality, and provides practical insights into designing and managing water-related infrastructure. The laboratory also facilitates testing and validation of models and theories, contributing to advancements in water resources engineering and sustainable water management practices.

Location:Mini Campus Basement

Incharge Photo
  • Name :

    Dr. Rahul Kumar Meena

  • Email :


  • Designation :

    Assistant Professor

  • Qualification :


  • Specialization :

    Structural Engineering

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Lab Outcome

The Water Resources Laboratory plays a pivotal role in civil engineering advancement by conducting comprehensive analysis and experimentation on water-related phenomena. The insights garnered from this laboratory are fundamental to the planning, development, and management of water resources critical for sustaining urban and rural infrastructure. Through detailed examination of water quality, quantity, and distribution patterns, the laboratory equips engineers with essential data for designing resilient water supply systems, efficient irrigation networks, and effective flood mitigation strategies. Additionally, by exploring innovative approaches such as water reuse and rainwater harvesting, the laboratory contributes to sustainable water management practices that minimize environmental impact and promote long-term water security. These research endeavors are instrumental in fostering resilient communities and fostering sustainable development in both local and global contexts.

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