Computer Centre

About the Computer Centre

The Computer Centre, NITD, was established on 18/02/2014 to cater for the computational requirements of the Institute and is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art Technological Resources. The Institute visualises a centralized computing facility, campus-wide networking and information technology as a means to enrich the educational experience and invigorate emerging areas of scholarly research and development. The Computer Centre maintains and manages the WiFi facility through rack-mounted Blade servers on campus, which have a speed (Single Mode) Fiber backbone, managed by Layer 3 Switches, providing 1 Gbps (1:1) bandwidth speed. These networking facilities are also extended to Hostel and Residential areas.

The Main assignments and activities of the centralised facility are to:

  • Provide, manage and ensure the satisfactory operation of joint computer and software facilities for the students and departments that are required by them.
  • Provide technical assistance to various users.
  • Ensure the monitoring of the computer network at the institute, and the coordination of inter-connections and the management of overall computer facilities for the whole institute.
  • Provide computer facilities for the Institute administration
  • Manage Integrated Institute Management System on SaaS
  • Provide IP Base Telephonic facility to various Department’s/Centre’s/Section of the Institute.
  • Provide eduroam facility to the various users.
  • Provide CCTV survillance facility to the institute.

Working Hours (Monday to Friday): 09.00 AM to 5.30 PM

High speed(Single Mode) Fiber
  • High speed (Single Mode) Fiber backbone 1 Gbps (1:1) Bandwidth
High End Servers
  • Rack mount, 8 Blade Populated, Stroge upto 5 TB
Wireless Facility (WiFi)
  • Complete WiFi campus with 30 Outdoor access points and 31 Indoor access points of Cisco
Electronics Media Player
  • Facility of Electronic Notice Board.
Printing & Photocopier Facility
  • High-End Network Printer with Duplex & Scanning and Photocopying facility.
  • Cetralized List of Software


Photo Name Details
Dr. Anurag Singh
Designation: Associate Professor
Highest Qualification: PhD
Mr. Subhash Chand
Name: Mr. Subhash Chand
Mr. Puneet Joshi
Name:Mr. Puneet Joshi
Designation:Technical Assistant
Mr. Raushan Kumar
Name:Mr. Raushan Kumar
Designation:Senior Technician
Ms. Manisha Babbar
Designation:Junior Assistant
Qualification:B.Com (Hons.)
Ms. Santosh Devi
Designation:Office Attendant (Outsourced)
How to get Services from Computer Centre.
    • If you are facing any problem with devices (Desktop, Laptop, IP Phone, Internet Issue, Software Installation, OS Installation, Digital Media Player) send request to this email only
    • For website updation/correction send the request through your respective department/section head at email id, only.
    • If you want to create a new mail id by CC then send a request to
    • Regarding any sub domain creation send a request to with the copy of the approval of the competent authority for the same.
    • At the time of No dues of Faculty/Staff, all HODs are requested to ask the respective Faculty/Staff to mention the Serial number of issued Desktop and IP-Phone’s Mac address at the back of the respective No-dues form. Please verify it with your Signature. It helps to maintain the record of Desktop and IP-Phones at the central Level. for any Help contact to Computer Centre.
    • New Login Forms (Email and Internet) for Faculty and Staff  Download PDF 
    • New Login Forms (Email and Internet) for Research Scholar Download PDF
      Guidelines of NIT Delhi official Email.
    • Email id if under the domain of shall be deactivated after 3 months for UG Students and 6 months for PG from date of result published on the website. For Ph.D. students, the respective student,s email id will be deactivated after 6 months of his/her no dues. Student those withdraw their admission in between the course then their email id will be terminate immediately
    • 1. To avail the IT and Networking related services, faculty/ staff of the Institute has to apply through the “IT Web Service Desk Module” of their respective SAMARTH Portal.
    • 2. To avail the IT and Networking related services, students of the Institute has to drop an email to while copied to


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