Electrical Engineering



To prepare the global technocrats trained to meet the changing industrial technologies and to mould them into successful and ethical professionals, globally competent in Electrical Engineering and allied fields contributing to nation building.


M1. Offering state-of-the-art curriculum with advanced laboratory facility and innovative practices in teaching-learning to pursue a career in Electrical Engineering and allied fields.
M2. To provide a conducive environment for applied interdisciplinary research leading to successful entrepreneurs/professionals.
M3. To inspire students to become responsible citizens and inculcate value based, socially committed professional ethics to cause of holistic development.
M4. To enable sustainable and cost-effective innovations, showcasing the importance of green energy technology with a focus on energy efficiency.


• Effective teaching and learning with continuous improvement in curriculum
• Placements for all graduates and postgraduates
• Quality research publications
• Accreditations of programs offered
• MOU with industry and academia
• R&D projects
• Organization of conference/FDPs/STCs and Workshops.


The Electrical Engineering (EE) Department is a blend of teaching and research activities pertaining to advanced fields of engineering. The department is currently offering courses at both the UG and PG level with an intake of 60 and 15 respectively. The specialization of PG course is Power Electronics & Drives. The department also offers Ph.D. program in various specialization of Electrical Engineering and allied areas. The department is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to carry out research work at all levels. The research focus of the department is in the area of power electronics, renewable energy systems, control/time delay systems, pattern recognition, image processing etc. The department also actively involved in multi-disciplinary research activities. The UG program is embraced by rigor and span to prepare a practicing engineer for a lifetime of creative work and ongoing technical learning. The department provides healthy & competitive environment for all round development of students leading to several remarkable achievements in GATE, CAT, GRE, TOEFEL, PSUs etc.
The department currently has following laboratories, equipped with latest equipment and software platforms, to impart state-of-the art technical knowledge. The department aims to setup new laboratories such as Green Energy Technologies, Digital Control & FPGA Design, Biometric etc.


PEO1. To imbibe analytical and professional skills in students to succeed in diverse fields.
PEO2. To create enthusiasts to pursue advanced education supplementing their career growth.
PEO3. To develop the necessary skill set for industries in students by imparting state of art technology in various areas of electrical engineering.
PEO4. To promote the culture of problem-solving and design skills for lifelong learning.


PSO1. Students shall be competent, creative and imaginative Electrical Engineering employable in fields of design, research, manufacturing, safety, quality and technical services.
PSO2. Students shall be able to progress through an advanced degree, certificate programs or participate in continuing education in Electrical Engineering, business and other professionally related fields.
PSO3. Students should take lead in innovation and entrepreneurship activities with high professional standards and moral ethics and prove themselves beneficial to society at large.


Department: Electrical Engineering
Email Id: hodee@nitdelhi.ac.in
Room No: 110
Phone: 011-33861180

Photo Name Details
Prof. (Dr.) Ujjawal Kalla
Email: ukkalla@nitdelhi.ac.in
Designation: Professor
Highest Qualification: PhD
Prof. (Dr.) Obbu Chandra Sekhar
Email: obbuchandra@nitdelhi.ac.in
Designation: Professor
Highest Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest: Power Electronics and Electric Drives
Contact No : +91-9440343273
Dr. Anmol Ratna Saxena
Email: anmolsaxena@nitdelhi.ac.in
Designation: Associate Professor
Highest Qualification: Ph.D.(IIT Delhi)
Area Of Interest: Power Electronics, Application of Power Electronics to
Renewable Energy Systems, Smart DC Grids (Micro/Nano), Modeling,
Design and Digital Control of DC-DC Conversion System,
Design of EV, DC fast chargers for EV/Light EV,
Battery Management System (BMS). Contact No : 011-33861183 (O)
Dr. Pankaj Mukhija
Email: pankajmukhija@nitdelhi.ac.in
Designation: Associate Professor and Head
Highest Qualification: Ph.D.
Area Of Interest: Control Systems, Time-delay systems.
Contact No : 011-33861185 (O)
Dr. Tirupathiraju Kanumuri
Email: ktraju@nitdelhi.ac.in
Designation: Associate Professor
Highest Qualification: Ph.D.
Area Of Interest: Pattern recognition, Bio-metrics, Medical image processing ,
Renewable Energy
Contact No : 011-33861182 (O) Contact No : 011-33861109(O)
Dr. Amit Kumar Singh
Email: amitsingh@nitdelhi.ac.in
Designation: Assistant Professor
Highest Qualification: Ph.D.
Area Of Interest: Power System Restructuring /Deregulation, Electricity
Market, Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy, Security Analysis,
Fault Detection, Operation and Control of Power Systems,
Smart Energy Network Contact No : 011-33861187 (O)
Dr. Manoj Kumawat
Email: manoj@nitdelhi.ac.in
Designation: Assistant Professor
Highest Qualification: Ph.D. & M. Tech (MNIT Jaipur)
Area Of Interest: Distributed Energy
Resources and Smart Grid, Power Quality Issue of Distribution System, Smart
Distribution System Modeling and Simulation and Distributed Resources Optimization
Contact No : +91- 9828288334
Dr. Sachin Singh
Email: sachinsingh@nitdelhi.ac.in
Designation: Assistant Professor
Highest Qualification: Ph.D. (IIT ROORKEE)
Area Of Interest: Digital Signal Processing, condition monitoring and faults diagnosis, Bio-medical Signal Processing, Real-time Signal Processing
Contact No : +91 11-33861188
Dr. Devasuth Govind
Designation: Assistant Professor
Highest Qualification: Ph.D.
Area Of Interest: Power Electronic Converters and Their Applications in Renewable Energy System, AC/DC microgrids, Power Quality, FACTs Devices, Multilevel Converters, Electric Drives, and Electric Vehicles.
Contact No :


Photo Name Details
Mr. R.V. Bhaskaran
Designation:Technical Assistant
Mr. Jatinkumar Soni
Designation:Technical Assistant
Qualification: Specialization:
Mr. Nitin Chuhan
Designation:Office Attendant (Outsourced)
011-33861200 (O)
Ms. Chanchal
Designation:Lab Attendant


The B. Tech. EE programme provides students a strong foundation in the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering through different courses offered in the B. Tech Curriculum. The program is supported by relevant, up-to-date curriculum, well equipped labs, and experienced faculty members. The curriculum has undergone a substantial revision, which incorporates the recent trends in Power System, Electrical Drives. Minimum Credits requirements for completion of B. Tech. program is 160 and also offers provision of Major degree and Minor Degree for students by earning additional credits.

B. Tech. Program structure and curriculum: Link

The department runs 2 post-graduate programmes to cater to the ever-challenging requirements of technical excellence in field of Electrical Engineering. In addition to the undergraduate program in EE, the department is playing an important role in producing world class postgraduates and scholars. The infrastructure and lab facilities are improved from time to time and provide the adequate opportunities for students and scholars to learn and innovate. The department has experienced faculty, all holding Ph.D. degrees from renowned institutes.

1. M Tech PES
2. M Tech PED

M. Tech. Program structure and curriculum:

Link for Power & Energy Systems: Part Time:Link
Link for Power & Energy Systems: Full Time: Link
Link for Power Electronics and Drives: Part Time: Link
Link for Power Electronics and Drives: Full Time: Link

Department offers Ph.D. program in relevant areas of Electrical Engineering.
The broad areas of research are:
1. Power System Dynamics & Control
2.Power system operation & Optimization
3.Renewable energy systems (solar, wind and Hybrid)
4. Flexible AC Transmission System
5.Power Systems Stability & Control
6.Power Electronics, Power Quality
7.Control Theory
8. Bio-medicalSignal and Image Processing
9.Condition Monitoring & Prevent Maintenance of Machine using AI.


Faculty and students of the Department of EE are involved in research activities related to the electrical and electronics field and relevant to society and industry requirements. The broad areas of research are:

1. Power & Energy Systems
2. Power Electronics & Electrical Drives
3. Signal and Image Processing
4. Control & Automation
5. Instrumentation and Bio medical Signal/Image Processing
6. Electronics Devices and Circuits

Institute provides financial assistance to its faculty and students to present the outcome of their research work in national and international conferences. Department of EE regularly offers short term courses, faculty development programs, workshops, training programs etc. for students, research scholars, teachers and industry personnel. Department of EE offers Ph.D. program in relevant areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Thrust Area of Research

Power & Energy Systems:
Power System Dynamics & Control, Stand Alone power System, Power system operation & Optimization, Renewable energy systems (solar, wind and Hybrid), Probabilistic Power System, Uncertainty quantifications, Deregulation, Distributed Generation, Applications of Energy Storage Devices to Power System. Flexible AC Transmission System, Energy System Planning & Auditing, Loss Allocation, Power Systems Stability & Control. Electricity Market, Security Analysis, Fault Detection, Smart Energy Network, Reliability Engineering, Power Systems Analysis and Smart Grid, Failure Analysis, RAMS.

Power Electronics & Electrical Drives:
Power Electronics, Power Quality, Improved Power Quality Convertors, Custom Power Devices (DSTATCOM, DVR & UPQC), Active Power Filters, Multi-level converters, Matrix converters, Electric Drives, Flexible AC Transmission System, Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC converters, AC – DC Micro grids, Smart Grids, Special Machines & Control, Modulation Techniques, Electric Vehicles, Control of Renewable Energy Systems, Variable frequency transformer.

Control & Automation:
Control Theory, Model Order Reduction of Linear, Non-Linear and Parametric systems, Finite Element modeling of Distributed Parameter systems, efficient Algorithms for fast simulation of power electronics circuits & power systems, vector control of electric drives, Disease Modelling, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. Cyber-Physical Systems, Learning Control, Networked Control Systems, Decentralized control, Constrained control systems, Mechatronics.

Instrumentation and Signal/Image Processing:
Signal Processing, Biomedical Signal processing, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, AI based faults diagnosis and condition monitoring of machines, Signal Processing Applications in Electrical Engineering.

    • Sponsored Research Projects
    • Consultancy Projects
    • PhD Students



  • Conference
  • Seminar
  • Workshops
  • FDPs 


Name of the Alumni Programme Studied at NIT Delhi (B. Tech/ M. Tech/ PhD) Graduating Year Achievement Present Organization where Attached Year of Achievement
Nishant Singhal
B. Tech
AIR 395, UPSC Civil Services 2022
Mr. Vikas Meena
B. Tech
AIR 672 , UPSC Civil Services 2024
Sudhir Ranwa
B. Tech
Admission in IIM Raipur for Post Graduation Program in Management
Assistant Manager at Tata Power Delhi
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