SC/ST & OBC Cell

SC/ST Cell

NIT Delhi is committed to maintain a work environment wherein students, faculty, and staff members from different community can work in a coherent environment. It is the Institutes endeavour to ensure that no discrimination based on caste takes place at workplace. The Institute has appointed a Liaison Officer for SC/ST cell who can be contacted in the event of any incident of caste-based discrimination by students, faculty and staff.

Particulars of Liaison Officer are as under:

Name: Dr. Manisha Bharti 

Designation: Associate Professor

Department: ECE


Contact No.:01133861156

Functions of SC-ST Cell
  • Grievances redress for the grievances of SC/ST students and employees and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
  • Monitors and evaluates the reservation policies and other programs intended for SC/STs by the Government of India for their effective implementation at National Institute of Technology Delhi.
  • Suggests the follow-up measures to the administration of the Institute for achieving the objectives and targets laid down by MHRD for the empowerment of SC/STs.
  • To register the complaints of SC/ST students/employees of the Institute for their representation to the administration for taking further necessary action.
  • Ensuring due compliance by the subordinate appointing authorities with the orders and instructions pertaining to the reservation of vacancies in favour of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other benefits admissible to them.
OBC Cell

NIT Delhi is committed to maintain a work environment wherein students,faculty, and staff members from different community can work in a coherentenvironment. It is the Institutes endeavour to ensure that no discrimination based on caste takesplace at workplace. The Institute has appointed a Liaison Officer for OBC cell whocan be contacted in the event of any incident of caste-based discrimination by students, faculty and staff.

Particulars of Liaison Officer are as under:

Name: Dr. Sachin Singh

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Electrical Engineering

Email ld:

Contact No.: 01133861188

Functions of OBC Cell
  • Grievances redress for the grievances of OBC students and employees and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
  • Monitors and evaluates the reservation policies and other programs intended for OBC by the Government of India for their effective implementation at National Institute of Technology Delhi.
  • Suggests the follow-up measures to the administration of the Institute for achieving the objectives and targets laid down by MHRD for the empowerment of OBC.
  • To register the complaints of OBC students/employees of the Institute for their representation to the administration for taking further necessary action.
  • Ensuring due compliance by the subordinate appointing authorities with the orders and instructions pertaining to the reservation of vacancies in favour of OBCcandidates and other benefits admissible to them.
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