Organisation and Function

S.No.ItemDisclosure Details
1Organisation and Function
1.1.1Name and AddressNational Institute of Technology,Delhi
1.1.2Name and Address of the Organization

National Institute of Technology, Delhi
Address: Plot No. FA7, Zone P1, GT Karnal Road, Delhi-110036


1.1.3Head of the OrganizationProf. (Dr) Ajay K. Sharma
Telephone: 1133861000
Date of Joining: 21st September 2021
Profile of the Director
Message of the Director
1.1.2Vision, Mission and Quality Policy


Committed to holistic development of Lives and Society by imparting Knowledge of Science and Technology and Crystallizing the future.


Application of Knowledge through learning and inculcating Research Oriented mindset towards Design and Innovative Development for Realistic Societal Solutions.

Quality Policy

– To create an environment for holistic learning and development.
– To provide academic excellence, good governance, teamwork, spirit towards the development of responsible citizen.
– To provide opportunities for Research, Innovation, Creativity initiatives to reflect high level of Intellectual Professionalism towards achieving Excellence.
– To provide infrastructure and facilities benchmarked to reflect the High Standard and Latest Technology.
– To provide state-of-the-art laboratories with latest Equipment and Instruments.
– To provide the highest level of cleanliness, hygiene, safety, discipline environmental consciousness in the institute.

1.1.4Functions and Duties

NIT ACT 2007

1.1.5Organization ChartPlease click here to view the Organizational chart
1.1.6Any other details


National Institute of Technology Delhi (NITD) is one of the thirty-one NIT(s) established in the year 2010 by an act of parliament and has been declared as an Institute of National importance.

NIT Delhi is an autonomous Institute which functions under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Government of India. It aims to provide instructions and research facilities in various disciplines of Engineering, Science and Technology, Management, Social Sciences and Humanities for advance learning and dissemination of knowledge.

The mission of NIT Delhi is to produce human resource those who are creative, competitive and innovative with high intellect and ethical values. The Institute is imparting holistic education, along with inculcating high moral values in its students.

NIT Delhi has started its academic session in 2010 with three undergraduate B.Tech degree programmes in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The academic activities of NIT Delhi were initiated at NIT Warangal in year 2010 which later moved to a temporary campus at Dwarka, New Delhi in June 2012 and now currently running at IAMR Campus, Narela (February 2014).

Possession of fifty-one-acre land has been allotted for permanent campus of NIT Delhi on NH-1, Narela sub city, New Delhi. The process of developing the permanent campus has begun.

 The details about Various Departments and HoDs can be viewed here.Applied Science
Civil Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
 Administrative CommitteesCouncil of NITs
Board of Governors
Finance Committee
Building and Works Committee
Members of Senate
1.2.1Powers and Duties of the Officers (Administrative and financial and judicial)

NIT ACT 2007

1.2.2Power and Duties of other Employees

The power and duties of Group A officers
– The Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the Visitor on contract basis on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted by him consisting of at least five members including the Chairman who are experts in the field of technical education with experience at national and international level.
– The Director shall be appointed for a period of five years and shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Contract of Service entered into between the Institute and the Director inform specified in Schedule-A.
– Subject to the budget provisions made for the specific purpose, the Director shall have the power to incur expenditure in accordance with the procedure as may be laid down in the ordinances.
– The Director shall have the power to appropriate funds with respect to different items constituting the recurring budget up to a limit specified for the Head of Department in the Central Government for each item.
– Provided that such appropriation shall not involve any increase in the budget and any liability in future years.
– Provided further that every such appropriation shall as soon as possible, be reported to the Board.
– The Director shall have the power to write off irrecoverable losses up to a limit of ten thousand rupees and of irrecoverable value of store items lost or rendered unserviceable, due to normal wear and tear or obsolete up toa limit of twenty five thousand rupees subject to such stipulations as may be made by the Board from time to time.

– Secretary of the Board, Senate and such Committees as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
– Custodian of records, the common seal, the funds of the Institute and such other property of the Institute as the Board shall commit to his charge.
– Responsible to the Director for the proper discharge of his functions.
– Organizing and administering student records.
– Overseeing the student admissions and graduation process.
– Ensuring records are updated with new grades, attendance, finances, etc.
– Training staff at the registrar’s office to use software related to records administration.
– Performing clerical tasks, such as printing academic transcripts for students.
– Keeping student information confidential and secure.

Assistant Registrar:
Head of the section on Establishment & Administration matters, Public Information Officer

Dean (Academic) (Statute 19):
– Advise Director on Academic matters on all Undergraduate Programmes of the Institute.
– Chairperson of the Board of Academic Council (BOAC)/Senate. Joint Appellate Authority.

Dean (Planning and Development) (Statute 19):
– Advise Director in Planning, Operation and Maintenance, financial matters, budget etc.

Dean (Student Welfare) (Statute 19):
– Advise Director on Student welfare matters, Co scholastic matters etc.

Dean (Faculty Welfare) (Statute 19):
– Advise Director on faculty welfare matters, faculty discipline, integrity and commitment.

Dean (Research &Consultancy) (Statute 19):
– Advise Director and Consultancy and sponsored Research matter etc. Advise matter on Postgraduate Programmes of the Institute.

Chief Warden:
– Head of Hotel Administration and Management, Chairman of Hostel & Mess Committee, Warden’s Committee etc

Co-ordinator (T&P):
– Placement & Training of all students

Assistant Librarian:
– Head of Library & Digital Library

– Head of the Section on supply of stores, Procurement, Maintenance of Equipment etc.

Internal Auditor:
– Head of Internal Audit Wing

Consultant (Legal):
– Head of all legal issues/ Activity of the Institute

Heads of the Departments:
– All Heads of the Department and schools deal with General Administration of Departments, and student discipline, course delivery, research Activities etc.

Teaching Faculty:
– Academic and research work, sponsored research and consultancy and assistant in Administration

Ministerial Staff:
– Support in Administration and Management

Technical Staff:
– Support in Course delivery, Research Activities operation and maintenance etc.

1.2.3Rules/ orders under which Powers and duty are derived

The admission of students and research scholars to various undergraduate and post graduate courses and PhD is based on guidelines framed for admission to these courses.

Please click the following links for details.

CCS Leave Rules 1972
CCS Conduct Rules 1964
CCS(CCA) Rules 1965
Medical Attendance Rules 1944
LTC Rules
LTC Rules(1)
LTC Rules(2)
CCS TA Rules
Purchase Procedure
Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules
General Financial Rules

1.2.4ExercisedGuidelines/Norms/Orders/Procedures issued from time to time by the Govt. of India
– Administrative Procedures are as per the CCS Conduct Rules
1.2.5Work allocationWork allocation is done as per the decision of competent authority
1.3.1Process of decision making Identify key decision-making points

Decisions are taken in accordance with the provisions of the Act/Statutes/Ordinances/Academic Rules & Regulations / Policies, Rules etc. of the Institute received from Ministry of Education and the decisions taken by BoG from time to time and procedures/practices of the Institute. Policy matters are decided at the level of Director/BoG.

The Director, Deans, Registrar and Officers of the institute have been authorised by the NIT ACT 2007, NIT STATUTES 2009, NIT STATUTES 2012, NIT AMENDMENT ACT 2017, NIT DELHI ACT 2023 and through the Delegation of Financial Powers to take key decisions.

The Institute has adopted a decentralized administrative structure, thereby enabling Departments to take decisions in conformity with the rules of the Institute and within the delegated powers.

1.3.2Final decision-making authorityThe Director in most cases and the Board of Governors in specific cases as mandated in the acts and statues: Click Here
1.3.3Related provisions, acts, rules etc.

Please click the following links for details:

NIT ACT 2007

1.3.4Time limit for taking decisions, if anyTime taken for taking various decisions in various sections are as follows:
1.3.5Channel of supervision and accountabilityAs per the Organizational Structure and Hierarchy of the institute.
1.4.1Nature of functions/ services offeredTo provide high quality education in science and technology and provide a creative atmosphere for inter-disciplinary research both by the students and the faculty
1.4.2Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery

Norms and Standards for various activities of the Institute are those as laid down by the competent authority, such as, the BoG. The Annual Report prepared under the direction of BoG and its annual meetings along with audited accounts, etc., of the Institute.

The Annual Report of the Institute along with Audited Accounts are placed on the table of both the Houses of the Parliament.

NIT, Delhi is an institution of higher learning devoted to teaching and research. All the Administrative Offices, Labs, Central Facilities, Libraries, Hostels etc. are located on its Campus which facilitate quick communication channels to and from. The general code for discharge of its daily functions is to accomplish work on day-to-day basis, keeping in view the requirement and urgency of each case.

1.4.3Process by which these services can be accessedUpon the request over the email to the concerned department
1.4.4Time-limit for achieving the targetsPrescribed timeline as per the norms
1.4.5Process of redressal of grievances

RTI applications can be filed here

1. Internal Grievance Resolution Cell
A Cell has been constituted to develop a responsible and accountable attitude among all the staff and faculty in order to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the institute. The details can be seen here

2. Internal Complaints Committee on caste-based discrimination
A Committee has been constituted to address the complaints on caste-based discrimination against SC/ST/OBCs Students, Staff and Faculty. The details can be seen here

3. Internal Complaints Committee on Sexual Harassment
A Committee has been constituted to go into and recommend necessary steps with regard to complaints on sexual harassment and to address issues related to Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of such complaints. The details can be seen here

4. Please click hereto go to the Central Public Grievance Portal (CPGRAMS)

Nodal Officer
Dr. Anmol Ratna Saxena

5. Chief Vigilance Officer
Dr. D.Vaithiyanathan

CVO Profile

1.5Rules, Regulations, Instructions Manual and Records for Discharging Functions

Please click the following links for details:

NIT ACT 2007

1.5.1Title and nature of the record/ manual /instruction

The admission of students and research scholars to various undergraduate and post graduate courses and PhD is based on guidelines framed for admission to these courses.

Please click the following links for details.

– Delegations of Financial Powers and Rules

– Purchase Procedure

– Courses of Studies (UG/PG):



– Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules:
General Financial Rules

– Guidelines/Norms/Orders/Procedures issued from time to time by the Govt. of India:
Administrative Procedures are as per the CCS Conduct Rules

1.5.2List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records.

Please click the following links for details.


B.Tech. / M.Tech. / Ph. D.

Please click below for Curricula and Syllabi:


1.5.3Acts/ Rules manuals etc.

Please click the following links for details:

NIT ACT 2007

1.5.4Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders

Transfer policy

There is no transfer policy for the faculty of the Institute. Transfer of Non-Teaching employees is done as per functional requirement arising from time to time in various sections.

1.6Categories of Documents held by the Authority under its Control

National Institute of Technology Delhi (NITD) is one of the thirty-one NIT (s) established in the year 2010 by an act of parliament and has been declared as an Institute of National importance.

The following are the documents held under its control

NIT ACT 2007

Certificate of GST Registration:

– DSIR /Customs Duty Exemption Certificate
– PAN Card
– Importer-Exporter Certificate
– Record of Degrees Awarded
– MoU

1.6.1Custodian of documents / categoriesRegistrar, NIT DELHI
1.7Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority
1.7.1Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc.Board of Governors
1.7.2CompositionFinance Committee
1.7.3Dates from which constitutedBuilding and Works
1.7.4Term / TenureThe Boards/Committees are perpetual in nature and are constituted as per the terms of the NIT Acts and the Statutes of the institute.
1.7.5Powers and Functions

As defined in the NIT Acts and the Statutes of the institute.

Click here to view the functions of Internal Committees

1.7.6Whether their meetings are open to the public?No
1.7.7Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public?Yes
1.7.8Place where the minutes if open to the public are available?Minutes of Meetings of Board of Governors
Minutes of Meetings of Finance Committee
Minutes of Meetings of Senate
1.8Directory of Officers and Employees Name and Designation Telephone, fax and emailTelephone
1.9Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees including system of compensationNil
1.9.1List of employees with Gross monthly remunerationSalary payment being remitted to the bank accounts of employees on monthly basis. Please click here for viewing the Pay Structure.
1.9.2System of compensation as provided in its regulations

Benefits and Incentives for the Permanent Employees of the Institute

As per the 7th CPC guidelines

Remuneration and Compensation for faculty & project staff including system of compensation.

1.10Name, Designation and other particulars of Public Information Officers

Deemed Public Information Officers

Dr. Manisha Singh, Assistant Registrar

1.10.1Name and designation of the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), Assistant

Central Public Information Officer
Dr. Manisha Singh

Assistant Registrar (Administration)

Transparency Officer

Nodal Officer
Dr. Anmol Ratna Saxena

Appellate Authority
Mr. Ravinder Kumar, Registrar

1.10.2Address, telephone numbers and email of each designated officialPlease click here for viewing the Contact Details of the Officials dealing with RTI
1.11No. of employees against whom Disciplinary Action has been proposed / takenNil
1.11.1No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been
(i) Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings
1.11.2(ii) Finalised for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings
1.12Programmes to Advance Understanding of RTI
1.12.1Educational Programmes

Course Offered

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)

– Electrical Engineering
– Electronics and Communication Engineering
– Computer Science and Engineering
– Civil Engineering
– Mechanical Engineering
– Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences

Master of Technology (M.Tech.)

– Computer Science and Engineering
– Computer Science and Engineering (Specialization in Analytics)
– Electronics and Communication Engineering
– Electrical Engineering (Specialization in Power Electronics and Drives)
– Electronics and Communication Engineering (VLSI)
– Mechanical Engineering (Specialization in Computer-aided Design/Computer-aided Manufacturing)

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

– Physics
– Chemistry
– Mathematics
– Environmental Science and Engineering
– Civil Engineering
– Computer Science and Engineering
– Electronic and communication Engineering
– Electrical Engineering
– Mechanical Engineering

Academic Session

– Autumn semester: August, 2022 – December, 2022
– Spring semester: January, 2023 – May, 2023

1.12.2Efforts to encourage public authority to participate in these programmes

– Webinars and Internal discussions are conducted periodically.

– The Institute has observed Vigilance Awareness Week.

– Integrity Pledge is administered to all the Employees as a part of the Vigilance Awareness Week conducted every year.

1.12.3Training of CPIO/APIOFrom time to time
1.12.4Update & publish guidelines on RTI by the Public Authorities concernedPlease click here for viewing the Suo Moto Disclosure in the Institute’s Website
1.13.1Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders

Transfer policy

There is no transfer policy for the faculty of the Institute. Transfer of Non-Teaching employees is done as per functional requirement arising from time to time in various sections.

Budget and Programmes

2Budgets and Programmes
2.1Budget allocated to each agency including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc. [Section4(1)(b)(xi)]
2.1.1Total Budget for the public authorityPlease click here for viewing the details of the Budget for 2023-24.
2.1.2Budget for each agency and plan & programmesPlease click here for viewing the details of the Budget for 2022-23.
2.1.3Proposed expendituresAnnual reports:
2.1.4Revised budget for each agency, if any
2.1.5Report on disbursements made and place where the related reports are availableAnnual reports:
2.2Foreign and Domestic Tours [F. No. 1/8/2012- IR dt. 11.9.2012]
2.2.1BudgetSpecific sub allocation in the budget is not allocated for Foreign and Domestic Tours
2.2.2Foreign and domestic Tours by ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government and above, as well as the heads of the Department (a) Places visited (b) The period of visit (c) The number of members in the official delegation (d) Expenditure on the visitNil
2.2.3Information related to procurements (a) Notice/tender enquires, and corrigenda if any thereon, (b) Details of the bids awarded comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/ services being procured, (c) The works contracts concluded – in any such combination of the above-and, (d) The rate/ rates and the total amount at which such procurement or works contract is to be executed.
2.3Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programme [Section 4(i)(b)(xii)]
2.3.1Name of the programme of activitySubsidy in terms of waiver and concessions in tuition fees are being provided to the students from the reserved categories and the low-income group as per eligibility.

Please click here to view the details. (2022-23)

Please click here view the details. (2021-22)

Please click here to view the details. (2020-21)

Please click here to view the details. (2019-20)
2.3.2Objective of the programme
2.3.3Procedure to avail benefits 
2.3.4Duration of the programme/ scheme
2.3.5Physical and financial targets of the programme
2.3.6Nature/ scale of subsidy /amount allotted
2.3.7Eligibility criteria for grant of subsidy
2.3.8Details of beneficiaries of subsidy programme (number, profile etc.) 
2.4Discretionary and Non-discretionary Grants [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013]
2.4.1Discretionary and non-discretionary grants/ allocations to State Govt./

NGOs/other institutions
Not Applicable
2.4.2Annual accounts of all legal entities who are provided grants by public

Not Applicable
2.5Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits of Authorizations granted by the Public Authority [Section 4(1) (b) (xiii)]
2.5.1Concessions, permits or authorizations granted by public authoritySubsidy in terms of waiver and concessions in tuition fees are being provided to the students from the reserved categories and the low-income group as per eligibility.
2.5.2For each concession, permit or authorization granted – (a) Eligibility criteria, (b) Procedure for getting the concession/ grant and/ or permits of authorizations, (c) Name and address of the recipients given concessions/permits or authorizations, (d) Date of award of concessions/ permits of authorizationsSubsidy in terms of waiver and concessions in tuition fees are being provided to the students from the reserved categories and the low-income group as per eligibility.

Annual Accounts for the FY 2021-22 was sent to the Ministry after the CAG audit and and has been placed before the Parliament. No PAC paras have been raised yet.
2.6CAG & PAC Paras [F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013]
2.6.1CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have

been laid on the table of both houses of the parliament.
Annual Accounts for the FY 2022-23 as audited by CAG of India will be sent to the Ministry along with the annual report once printed and the same shall be placed before both the houses of the parliament

Publicity and Public Interface

3Publicity and Public Interface
3.1Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation there of [Section 4(1)(b)(vii)] [F No 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013]
3.1.1Relevant Acts, Rules, Forms and other documents which are normally accessed by citizensPlease click the following links for details.

– The Institutes of Technology Act 1961

– The Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2016

– The First Statutes of IIT Palakkad, 2017


B.Tech. / M.Sc. / M.Tech. / M.S. / Ph. D.

– Please click here for Curricula and Syllabi

– Delegations of Financial Powers and Rules

– Purchase Procedure

– Courses of Studies (UG/PG)

– Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules

– General Financial Rules 2017

– Guidelines/Norms/Orders/Procedures issued from time to time by the Govt. of India

– Administrative Procedures are as per the CCS Conduct Rules
3.1.2Arrangements for consultation with or representation by – (a) Members of the public in policy formulation/ policy implementation, (b) Day & time allotted for visitors, (c) Contact details of Information & Facilitation Counter
(IFC) to provide publications frequently sought by RTI applicants
Periodic interaction with industry and academia to review courses, disciplines and explore industry training and research opportunities. Stakeholders are encouraged to give their feedback and suggestions through emails.
3.1.3Public- private partnerships (PPP)- Details of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), if anyNot Applicable
3.1.4Public- private partnerships (PPP)- Detailed project reports (DPRs)Not Applicable
3.1.5Public- private partnerships (PPP)- Concession agreementsNot Applicable
3.1.6Public- private partnerships (PPP)- Operation and maintenance manualsNot Applicable
3.1.7Public- private partnerships (PPP) – Other documents generated as per the implementation of the PPPNot Applicable
3.1.8Public- private partnerships (PPP) – Information relating to fees, tolls, or the other kinds of revenues that may be collected under authorisation from the governmentNot Applicable
3.1.9Public- private partnerships (PPP) -Information relating to outputs and outcomesNot Applicable
3.1.10Public- private partnerships (PPP) – The process of the selection of the private sector party (concessionaire etc.)Not Applicable
3.1.11Public- private partnerships (PPP) – All payment made under the PPP projectNot Applicable
3.2Are the details of Policies / Decisions, which affect the public, informed to them? [Section 4(1) (c)]
3.2.1Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive – Policy decisions/ legislations taken in the previous one yearAll course details, guidelines etc. are available on public domain. Please click here for details.
3.2.2Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive – Outline the Public consultation processNot Applicable
3.2.3Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive-Outline the arrangement for consultation before formulation of policyNot Applicable
3.3Dissemination of Information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public [Section 4(3)]
3.3.1Use of the most effective means of communication – Internet (website)The information dissemination primarily happens through the Institute’s Website. Please click here to visit the Institute’s Website.
3.4Form of accessibility of Information Manual/ Handbook [Section 4(1)(b)]
3.4.1Information manual / handbook available in electronic formatAnnual Report  : 2019-20 , 2020-21 , 2021-22

Annual Accounts  : 2019-20 , 2020-21 , 2021-22

Please click here to view the Recruitment and Promotion Norms (RPN) of IIT Palakkad
3.4.2Information manual / handbook available in electronic formatInformation manual / handbook available in Printed formatAnnual Report  : 2019-20 , 2020-21 , 2021-22

Annual Accounts  : 2019-20 , 2020-21 , 2021-22

3.5Whether information manual/ handbook available free of cost or not [Section 4(1)(b)]
3.5.1List of materials available Free of costAll the information manual / handbook are provided free of cost.

Please click the following links for details.


B.Tech. / M.Sc. / M.Tech. / M.S. / Ph. D.

– Please click here for Curricula and Syllabi.

– Please click here to view the details of tenders (Live/Closed/Cancelled).
3.5.2List of materials available at a reasonable cost of the medium-Please click here to view the details of the ongoing research projects.

UG Admission Brochure

PG Admission Brochure

Faculty Recruitment Notifications

Non-Faculty Recruitment Notification

RPN of IIT Palakkad (Non-faculty)


4.1Language in which Information Manual/Handbook Available [F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.4.2013]
4.1.1EnglishAnnual Report :

Please click here to view the Recruitment and Promotion Norms (RPN) of NIT Delhi
For Faculty:
For Non-Faculty:
4.1.2Vernacular / Local LanguageAnnual Report 2021-2022:”
4.2When was the information Manual/Handbook last updated? [F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt 15.4.2013]
4.2.1Last Date of Annual updating2023
4.3Information available in Electronic Form [Section 4(1)(b)(xiv)] 
4.3.1Details of information available in electronic form4.3.1 Details of information available in electronic form Annual Accounts:

Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) Regulations:

PhD Ordinance:

M.Tech Rules and Regulations
M.Tech 2013 Batch Onwards:
M.Tech 2015 Batch Onwards:

B.Tech Rules are Regulations:
B.Tech (2010 Batch Onwards):
B.Tech (2012 Batch Onwards):
B.Tech (2015 Batch Onwards):

Course Curriculum
B.Tech Curriculum:
M.Tech Curriculum:
4.3.2Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for obtaining informationThrough RTI on link
4.4.1Name & location of the facilitiesComputer Centre:
Central Library:
Sports Section:
Institute Management System:
Workshop facilities:
Medical Facilities:
SC/ST and OBC Cell:
Other facilities:
Canteen Facility:
Guest House:
Hostel Facility:
Mess Facility:
Transport Facility:
4.5.1Grievance redressal mechanismFaculty, Staff and Student Grievance Cell: Public Grievances:
4.5.2Details of applications received under RTI and information providedIn 2022 Total No. of RTI received are 67 (Sixty Seven)

In 2023 Total No. of RTI received are 110 (One hundred ten)
4.5.3List of completed schemes/ projects/ Programmes
4.5.4List of schemes/ projects/ programme underway
4.5.5Details of all contracts entered into including name of the contractor, amount of contract and period of completion of contract
4.5.6Annual Report
4.5.7Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
4.6Receipt & Disposal of RTI Applications and Appeals
4.6.1Details of applications received and disposedFrom 01/01/2022 to 22/09/2023, 152 RTI applications received out of which 147 RTI applications are requested to disposed of.
4.6.2Details of appeals received, and orders issuedFrom 01/01/2022 to 22/07/2023, 19 Appeals received out of which 19 appeals have been disposed off
4.7Replies to Questions asked in the Parliament 
4.7.1Details of questions asked and replies given

Information as may be Prescribed

5Information as may be Prescribed
5.1Such other Information as may be Prescribed
5.1.1Name and details of (a) Current CPIO and FAAs, (b) Earlier CPIO and FAAsDr. Manisha Singh, Assistant Registrar
5.1.2Details of third-party audit of voluntary disclosure (a) Dates of audit carried out (b) Report of the audit carried outProf. Ajay K. Sharma
5.1.3Appointment of Nodal Officers not below the rank of Joint Secretary/ Additional HoD (a) Date of appointment, (b) Name and Designation of the officersSh. Ravinder Kumar
5.1.4Consultancy committee of key stake holders for advice on Suo Moto Disclosure (a) Dates from which constituted, (b)Name and Designation of the officersAll the HODs and section heads
5.1.5Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI (a) Dates from which constituted, (b)Name and Designation of the OfficersAll the HODs and section heads

Information Disclosed on Own Initiative

6Information Disclosed on Own Initiative
6.1Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information
6.1.1Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain informationPlease click on the following links to view the details

Guest House Manual

Insurance/Medical Benefits


Career Development Centre
6.2Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) is followed (released in February 2009 and included in the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures (CSMOP) by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
6.2.1Whether STQC certification obtained and its validityYes
6.2.2Does the website show the certificate on the Website?The SSL Certificate for the year 2023-24 can be viewed here.

The certificate can be viewed here.
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